God the Father’s way, or Hasatan’s way, First Adam or Second Adam
Father has given everything finished work & said don’t eat tree of self effort performance, Coz God way is through olive tree of life Jesus Christ & Holy Spirit & your spirit , Enemy’s way to destroy blind man from the glory by putting focus on natural 3 dimensions of mind not spirit and of knowledge of good & evil performance self effort to be righteous good prosper, or unrighteousness by carnal fleshy mind of egoism of inferiority complex, prideful superiority complex or holy looking or evil looking spiritual way like like witchcraft.

Therefore Two Ways God’s way of favor by Spirit or Devils way.

There is another division among children of God who chose God’s way
1 is religious good looking laws way of old testament by Moses as a servant , or Gods way of Gospel of Grace through Obedience of Jesus Christ on the Cross by which you are made righteous made the son made the heir to the inheritance in the kingdom of God.


1.Ministry of Condemnation
Ministry of Reconciliation & Righteousness
2. Tree of Life & Tree of KOG& E
3. Fig Tree & Olive Tree
4. Law & Grace
5. Self Effort & Spirit Effort
6. Old Covenant & New Covenant
8. First Adam & Last Adam
9. Self Righteousness & Gift of Righteousness
10. Sin & Grace
11. Spirit of the World & Holy Spirit
12. Isaac & Ishmael
13. Demand & Supply
14. Sweat & Rest
15. Self World dependance & Grace Spirit dependance.
16. Slaves vs Sons.
17. Looking down vs Looking up
18. Old Creation vs New Creation
19. Problems vs Abundance
20. Seen vs Unseen
21. Kingdom of Cursed Earth vs Kingdom of Glories Heaven in you
22. Prisoner vs Freedom
23. Orphan vs Parents & Family

No matter what you are controlled by these spirits, it’s never I or You ours is only choice who you choose
When you choose Grace depend on Grace Look up to Jesus as in mirror you are transformed from glory to glory.
I am the way Truth & life, no man comes to the Father except through me. I am the gate by which you shall enter & find green pastures.
I have come that you might have abundant life. I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper in all things as your soul prospers.
Only through Jesus Christ Grace Spirit is Awesome life anything else is struggle & death. Man has to come to end of Himself coz through himself is death and open to the voice of evil one & corruption.
I should decrease and He should increase. I count it all loss for the exceeding abundance life of glory.
Not I but Him the life I live is in the faith of him. Unless a man dies to himself is the I or the law, how by only depending on favor of God
