Build your Faith Strong

Build your Faith Strong

Build Your Faith Strong

…God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith (Romans 12:3).

Observe what our opening verse says: God has given to every man the measure of faith. This doesn’t suggest that God is going to give you faith when you pray hard or fast long enough; He’s already done it. He’s given you “the measure of faith,” not “a measure of faith.” This means each one of us was given the same measure of faith when we received the Gospel.

According to the Lord Jesus, even the smallest ounce of faith can move mountains; it can do the impossible: “…verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you” (Matthew 17:20). The Lord however doesn’t want you to remain at the level of small or mustard-seed faith; He wants your faith to grow and be strong. Romans 10:17 tells us that faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. The emphasis is on “hearing,” that is, the continued bombardment of your spirit with the Wordof God. But the way to build your faith strong and make it effective is by exercising it; that is, acting on the Word.

The more you meditate on God’s Word, and put it to work, the greater, and stronger your faith. The Bible says about Abraham, “He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God” (Romans 4:20). Build your faith strong by using it even in the seemingly small or simple matters of life. Exercise your faith all the time. Don’t allow that headache; use your faith against it. Do you require wisdom to move your business to the next level? Act on the Word, and build your faith strong.

But if you remain in me and my words remain in you, you may ask for anything you want, and it will be granted!
John 15:7, NLT

When the enemy attempts to steal from you (John 10:10), what do you think he heads straight for? What do you think is the most valuable and important thing that he wants to take away from you?

According to Jesus, it is the Word of God (Mark 4:14–15). That’s what the enemy goes for, because he doesn’t want the Word taking root in your heart and producing all kinds of good fruit in your life. He knows that before he can steal your health, joy, peace and provisions, he has to steal the Word from you. Without the truth of God’s Word guiding your life, he can make you believe his lies and rob you blind.

That’s why, beloved, I encourage you to hold on to the Word of His grace that you have heard. Study it, understand it, keep it close to your heart and speak it over your life. Keep being reminded of the gospel of His grace, whether it’s through listening to sermons or reading books that are full of Jesus and His finished work. Don’t say, “I’ve heard it all before.” No, keep hearing it. Let its roots go really deep. Let it build you up, assure you of God’s faithfulness and cause you to walk in the rich inheritance you have in Christ!

Are you facing something that seems impossible in your life—in your relationships, finances, or on your job? When we don’t know what to do or how to do it, remember this: God does. When it looks like there is nothing in your bank account, remember God has unlimited supply. When you are looking for an opportunity and you’re ready to give up, remember God knows how to get you to the right place at the right time. He has everything that you need today. Your part is to yield yourself to Him and keep speaking His promises.

In scripture, many people faced impossible situations. In Genesis, God promised Abraham and Sarah that they would give birth to a son and that all the generations of the earth would be blessed through him. In the natural, this looked impossible because Sarah was ninety and Abraham was older than that—not exactly child-bearing years. But they considered what God could do beyond the limits of the possible. They didn’t do everything perfectly but eventually, their faith opened the door for God to bring to pass what He had promised in their lives. When they considered God, He strengthened their mortal bodies so that they could conceive a child when it seemed impossible.

Your faith will be weak if you don’t exercise it. It’s like someone who keeps eating but doesn’t exercise; his muscles will grow big but weak. In the same manner, God’s Word is food to your spirit. If you keep receiving God’s Word and do nothing with it, your faith will be weak. Weak faith causes people to stagger, and as a result, fear grips them and they’re defeated by the crises of life. However, the cure for weak faith is putting the Word to work; acting on the Word.

Remember this today; when things look impossible in your life, our God goes beyond the limits of the possible! Focus on His faithfulness. Consider His promises; Open your heart to Him today and watch Him go beyond the limits of the possible.
